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The field of infectious diseases (ID) is broad and involves many organ systems. This rotation guide focuses on some key areas and is by no means comprehensive.
This rotation guide covers the following topics:
Other important topics related to infectious diseases are covered in the following rotation guides:
Epidural Abscess and Vertebral Osteomyelitis, Meningitis/Encephalitis (Neurology)
Endocarditis (Cardiology)
Neutropenic Fever (Oncology)
Sexually Transmitted Infections (Women's Health)
For a brief history of infectious diseases, click here.
This rotation guide was developed by a collaborative team of contributors including:
Writers: Michael Mi, MD; Amanda Fernandes, MD; Andrea Merrill, MD (NEJM Fellows); James Higgs, MD; Lauren Pischel, MDPeer Reviewers: Diane Janowicz, MD; Lana Dbeibo, MD; Patrick Milligan, MD; Andrew Dysangco, MD; Cole Beeler, MD; Luke Guillen, MD; Jack Schneider, MD; Daniel Caroff, MD; Jacqueline Chu, MD; Ann E. Woolley, MD; Mary Montgomery, MD; Jake Johnson, MD; and Molly Paras, MD Senior Editor: Ole-Petter Hamnvik, MB BCh BAO, MMScSection Expert: Rajesh Gandhi, MD Last updated: July 2023 by Hayden Andrews, MD